How To Get Started
Union Membership
Being a member of the CSSU means three things: Attending meetings, participating in Union activities, and representing those students who aren't yet members.
By joining, you are contributing to our growing network of Union students, each of which bolsters the strength of each other. You will add ideas to discussions, encourage others to take action, and help us to protect the needs of every single secondary student across Canada.
Joining the CSSU
Members of the CSSU join through their school's branch of the Union, each of which has a school representative. However, not every school has members yet. Take a look at the spreadsheet below to see if your school has been unionized yet. If it has, there is a link to the membership form right here, and you can access information on your school's Union meetings, leadership, contacts, and activities on the "union schools" page.
Branch Foundation
If your school doesn't have a branch of the CSSU yet, congratulations! You get to start it. Don't worry, we'll be with you every step of the way, and it's a lot easier than it sounds. The first step is to contact us, and we'll add your school to the registry with you as Interim Representative. All that's really required to get the Union started in your high school is to get the word out, sign people up, and hold meetings. To learn more and make a difference in your school, go to the page linked below.